Normally when I put together a description for one of my books I go on a search and explore mission. I’ll grab a couple clips here, a couple of lines here, and then I will write a few sentences to tie them all together.
In the past, it’s been a pretty good strategy for me, and it’s sold a lot of books. When it came time to release my newest book, I Wish I Had Never Been Born: Rediscovering Abraham Lincoln, I did the same thing.
But, after about twelve hours I began to have second thoughts. One of the major ones concerned my title. It’s an obscure quip from Abraham Lincoln, and one I was pretty sure readers would have a hard time understanding. After all, Lincoln is known as one of our greatest war Presidents. He was quick witted, and more often than not humorous, so many readers probably would find their selves asking what my title was all about.
With that thought in mind, I decided to scrap everything I had so far, and use my introduction to frame the background behind my title. I think by doing that it answered a lot of reader’s questions, and helped them decide to maybe read this book, if for no other reason than to see what else they could learn about this man named Abraham Lincoln.