Friday, April 25, 2014

Review of Write Successful Flash in the Pan Books by Eibhlin MacIntosh

Just finished reading Write Successful Flash in the Pan Books by Eibhlin MacIntosh.

It's an interesting concept that's been around as long as books have been published. Find a current event, trend, or fad. Rush to get a book out and ride the wave. What surprises me is that this book is well written, it details the entire concept from how to spot a hot idea, to how to research and write your book.

I don't want to throw out a ton of spoilers here, but there are a few things people are looking for when they read this type of book.

  1. Historical facts
  2. Interesting tidbits of trivia
  3. An interesting take that binds together fact and speculation
In short, if you ever took a marketing class, you're providing information for the early adapters, the guys who have to have the latest, greatest gadgets. In effect, your book needs to provide them with talking points that allow them to keep up with or add to the conversation.

I think I've got a couple ideas already. Just need to think of a cool alias, cause I don't think I want any of this crazy shit connected with my name.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Interview with Sean Platt Author of Write, Publish, Repeat

Today’s interview is with Sean Platt, co-author of Write, Publish, Repeat. Sean is a novelist, co-host of the of The Self-Publishing Podcast, and together with his partners Johnny Truant and David Wright published nearly two million words last year.


Your book is Write, Publish Repeat. One of the ideas behind your book is that one book isn’t going to cut it. If you want to make it as an indie author you have to keep writing and publishing. The example you give is Hugh Howie. Wool made him look like an overnight success, but in truth, he kept putting out one book after another until one finally took off. Is that really the secret to writing success, putting out more books, and waiting to be discovered?

Sean: I don’t think it’s the answer to writing success, no. But I think it is an answer. And not that simply put. You can’t wait to be discovered. You have to connect with your reader’s one at a time, and do smart things to get them on your team, helping to tell others about your work.

One of the things you talk about is you only need 1000 true fans to be successful. Just what is a true fan, and where do you find them?

Sean: A true fan is someone who will buy all of your books, and tell friends about your work. She doesn't need to read a product description before she buys because everything she’s ever read has been great.